Pimax has announced that both eye and hand tracking modules, both of which were included as stretch goals in its original 2017 Pimax “8K” headset Kickstarter, are shipping out to backers soon.
A Pimax spokesperson took to Reddit Sunday to reveal that both eye and hand tracking modules will be shipping “in a month” to backers.
“Backers will be able to get the eye tracking for $99 for a limited time,” the spokesperson says. “The price is greatly below the cost to produce it. The price will be much higher when we retail this later in the year.”
The 7Invensun-developed eye-tracking modules teased last year were slated to cost $300 MSRP, however there’s no telling what the final price will be once the company opens up orders to the general public.

The company’s hand tracking, which is powered by Ultraleap (ex-Leap Motion), is quoted to cost $170 when bought direct from the company’s website. It’s uncertain whether backers will also be offered a lower price here as well to account for a near three-year wait.
Hand tracking is slated to arrive around one week after eye-tracking, however the spokesperson says the company will “probably combine with other stretch goal items to decrease the number of shipments. We might offer a program where those who want them faster can just pay for shipping.”
“We also been testing a very impressive new game that supports the hand tracking,” the spokesperson teases.
For all of Pimax’s follies (and there are many), the company has been steadfast in fulfilling goals and continuing its development to hone its ever-growing swath of high field of view VR headsets. What’s more, both eye and hand tracking modules are said to fit in all Pimax headsets, which is a good thing considering how many variations we’ve seen devised since the original 2017 crowdfunding campaign.
The post Pimax’s Long-awaited Eye & Hand Tracking Modules Shipping to Backers “in a month” appeared first on Road to VR.
Ream more: https://www.roadtovr.com/pimaxs-eye-hand-tracking-release-date/
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