Tuesday, August 7, 2018

‘Marvel Powers United VR’ Update to Bring Tweaks & Bug Fixes, Bigger Changes Forthcoming

Marvel Powers United VR launched less than two weeks ago, but it seems the developers at Sanzaru Games are hard at work to get the game’s first patch out the door. Due to launch “in a few weeks,” the studio has published the release notes of the first patch, seemingly in an effort to assure players that post-launch support is well underway.

Marvel Powers United VR is one of Oculus’ biggest content bets yet, and the company has vowed to support for the game post-launch. The game launched to mixed reviews (ours is here) less than two weeks ago. And while the game’s first patch, due out in a few weeks, isn’t likely to make any drastic changes, the studio is promising that “bigger improvements” are forthcoming.

In the meantime, the first patch will bring some balance tweaks and a slew of bug fixes; Sanzaru revealed the details on their newly christened Discord server where they encourage the game’s community to gather:

Marvel Powers United VR Patch 1 Release Notes:

  • Fix proper ramping of difficulty (X relays lost = game over).
  • Shield Generator health tuning for challenge.
  • Re-balance health and damage on heroes for challenge.
  • Fix map select visual pop.
  • Improve messaging for entering single player.
  • Improve messaging for muting players.
  • Improve messaging for inviting friends.
  • Improve messaging for minority auto ready. Add timer.
  • Support for private matches.
  • Cut map roulette selection duration in half.
  • Remove map select timer for single player.
  • Let players move from the start of match. No more standing stuck in place waiting for Scientist Supreme to talk.
  • Rocket soldiers should respond immediately & shoot. No more clumsy searching.
  • Remove all chatter & other unnecessary soldier anims. They should always be moving to position or shooting.
  • Remove all hero grenade timeouts.
  • Lineup ultimate decal messaging to fit hazard volume exactly. There’s a small gap.
  • Improve rocket soldier object vision/awareness. Many instances shooting objects in pathway of target (Asgard columns & Dark Dimension rock columns).
  • Thor & Doctor Strange capes on occasion still obscure player vision.
  • Fix Wolverine leap effects staying persistent in Alpha Flight Station from 3P.
  • Make charging Captain America’s shield consistent. It’s always broken for first throw.
  • Squeezing trigger on Captain America’s returning charged shield offsets the charge effect.
  • Rockets impacting targets from a distance don’t explode & hover in place. Quickly enter a relay area from a distance. Observe floating rockets around the relay.
  • Fix bug at the beginning of Prologue with Captain America’s shield hovering behind the player. Just suspended there in the air. Grabbing the shield removes the issue.
  • Fix bug with grabbing two throwables in Alpha Flight Station & colliding them together, momentarily suspending them.
  • Fix bug with the underside of Venom effects on catwalks & bridges. You can see his body pop in. Should behave like the Thanos hand effects.
  • Fix bug with the crate button callout. Doesn’t display correctly when feeding Lockjaw.
  • Fix bug with the end of match white results screen.
  • Fix bug between gameplay & results where there will often be a momentary flash w/ a black cube.
  • Fix bug upon returning to Alpha Flight Station as a team. Sometimes portraits won’t display on the team status UI.

The first three changes listed in the release notes address one of the key critiques of the game (a lack of challenge), but it’s going to take more significant changes for the game to address redundancy and immersion issues.

For Sanzaru’s part, the studio says, “We continue to work on bigger improvements to the game [beyond this initial patch] and will share details on those as soon as we are able to. We’re reading all of the feedback even if we’re unable to reply to every individual post. Thank you for your ongoing support!”

'Marvel Powers United' is One of Oculus Studios' Biggest Content Investments Yet

Oculus Studios, the publisher of Marvel Powers United VR, told us around the time of the game’s launch that they are committed to post-launch content, and suggested that player feedback would drive the roadmap.

“I think what we want to do [with DLC] is get the game out there, get it in the hands of the fans, and let them tell us what they want more of. Obviously we could come up with no shortage of cool scenarios that we could script and put people in, or stories that we would want to retell, but you have to fit it in a structure—you only have so much resources and time and ability to get stuff done,” the game’s Executive Producer, Mike Doran said. “This was the choice we made, we wanted to lean heavily into the multiplayer and the co-op social aspects; we’re going to see how the fans react and what they want more of.”

The post ‘Marvel Powers United VR’ Update to Bring Tweaks & Bug Fixes, Bigger Changes Forthcoming appeared first on Road to VR.

Ream more: https://www.roadtovr.com/marvel-powers-united-vr-patch-1-bigger-changes-forthcoming/

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