Monday, May 28, 2018

12 Minutes of ‘Budget Cuts’ Gameplay – From the Beginning

Budget Cuts (2018) is a room-scale VR stealth game from indie studio Neat Corporation. Launching on May 31st on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, we took the time to show you just what this objectively fantastic game looks like from the very beginning.

Banter from office drones is a near-constant in Budget Cuts, as the docile bots are designed to replace your human colleagues. It’s the military-grade security bots you have to watch out for, using your teleporation gun to sneakily zip around the vast office complex and dispatch the gun-totting robots before they get a chance to shoot you first.

For more info, check out our full review of Budget Cuts, which we gave a solid [9.2/10] for its killer VR game mechanics, its engaging story, and the adrenaline-soaked feeling that comes part and parcel with hiding under a desk, hoping to fly under the radar of the see-all, kill-all robotic enemies.


The post 12 Minutes of ‘Budget Cuts’ Gameplay – From the Beginning appeared first on Road to VR.

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