It was announced earlier this week that Survios’ latest game, Sprint Vector, is coming to PlayStation VR in Q1 2018. I was initially worried that PSVR’s limited tracking would hamper the game’s totally awesome ‘Fluid Locomotion’ system, but after watching one of the studio’s talented devs show off his skills, it looks like the system can work great on PSVR too.
I’ve not hidden my praise for Survios’ new Fluid Locomotion system, which enables high-speed, immersive movement across vast distances without nausea. I’m convinced that when Sprint Vector finally hits the streets, we’re going to see a lot more people working on this sort of movement in VR. So it’s great to see that the unique locomotion system can work on PSVR too.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. After trying Sprint Vector on PSVR for myself, I got to see one of Survios’ top internal players show me how things are really done, demonstrating a lot of high-flying shortcuts and scoring a time that blew mine away. It’s clear from his performance that the game is being built with a high skill ceiling in mind, offering faster paths for players who put the time into seeking out optimal routes.
Sprint Vector is due out for Vive, Rift, and PlayStation VR in Q1 2018, though it isn’t yet clear if the PSVR version will offer cross-play with the Rift & Vive versions.
The post This is What ‘Sprint Vector’ Looks Like Played by a Pro on PSVR appeared first on Road to VR.
Ream more: https://www.roadtovr.com/sprint-vector-played-on-psvr-playstation-vr-pro/
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